The 5 Best Facial Products for Sensitive Skin Care

The Low-down On Skincare: Best Practices, Tips Tricks, and Common Myths

Having healthy skin and an appropriate skincare routine should be a priority for everyone. Great skin care doesn't have to be expensive nor difficult; with a few simple steps and a good understanding of what works for you, it can be the key to being comfortable in your own skin.

In recent years, the beauty industry has become progressively more focused on sustainability. Many well-known beauty brands are taking the sustainable route, launching products packaged in eco-friendly or re-usable containers, or creating refillable solutions to reduce their plastic waste. Innovations in packaging technology are becoming more and more commonplace, with companies like LovelyPak, a sustainable cosmetics packaging company, leading the way on transitioning away from petroleum-based plastics.

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The ideal skincare routine will vary depending on skin type, but there are some universal tips for good skin health:

  • Wash your face at least twice a day
  • Exfoliate at least once a week
  • Use a toner to balance the skin
  • Moisturize morning and night
  • Use sunscreen when going out in the sun

The right skincare routine is largely based on individual factors like age, gender, skin type and sensitivities. In addition to the five main steps mentioned above, choosing the right products and ingredients that suit your skin can be hugely beneficial when creating your own routine. Consider your skin type (normal, oily, combination, or dry) when selecting products. For those with sensitive skin, here are some tailored suggestions you might find useful.

Children require gentle, non-irritating products for their delicate, developing skin. Common ingredients to avoid when shopping for skincare products for children include fragrances, dyes, and other harsh chemicals. Opt for natural ingredients such as aloe, chamomile, and shea butter that are specifically formulated for children's skin. Children above 3-5 years old may develop a basic skincare routine consisting of a mild cleanser, toner, and moisturizer.

Teenagers are in a prime age for developing a basic skincare routine. During teenage years, the skin's oil production increases significantly, creating an ideal environment for breakouts. A basic routine should consist of a gentle cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen. Teenagers can also introduce the use of serums for acne-prone skin or hydrating serums for dry skin. Make sure to read the labels for any possible irritants or ingredients that may not be suitable for their skin type.

Adults require specific skincare products tailored to their age, skin type, and lifestyle. The 6 basic steps of any adult skincare routine should include a facial cleanser, exfoliator, toner, serum, moisturizer, and SPF. Depending on the individual's skin type, additional steps such as sheet masks, eye cream, and facial oils can also be added. Keep in mind that your skin will change as you age, so it's important to update your routine regularly as your skin's needs change.

The skincare industry is an ever-growing global market that publishes new products of various brands, products, and services. Major categories include facial and body skincare, with more specific sub-categories within. The skincare industry has seen a boom in the last few years due to the rise in awareness of natural and green products, as well as the desire for knowledge and education on skincare. Consumers' interests in taking care of their skin is ever-increasing, leading to a huge variety of products across different price points and quality to meet all skin types and needs.

Skincare myths are numerous and widespread. However, science has debunked most of these myths to reveal the facts about good skincare practices.

Myth: Expensive products are always better

Fact: The quality of ingredients is what truly makes a product great, not the price tag. So it's possible to find good quality products at various price points.

Myth: Wearing sunscreen every day is unnecessary

Fact: Sunscreen is an essential part of any skincare routine. It should be applied every day, even on cloudy days, to protect the skin from sun-related skin-aging and skin cancer.

Myth: Natural products are always safe and healthy

Fact: Although natural products are generally safer than synthetic ones, there are some natural ingredients that can be harsh and irritating to the skin. A patch test is always recommended to test the reaction of the skin, as everyone's skin is different.

The skincare products themselves are only half the battle - what you do daily will also affect the results. Stress and lack of sleep can worsen skin condition, so implementing healthy habits like exercise, getting adequate rest, and eating a balanced diet are key in any successful skincare routine.

If you use makeup as part of your beauty routine, it's important to use the right products and techniques to keep your skin healthy. First, start with a clean face and use a primer to create a barrier between the makeup and skin. Second, only use products that are non-comedogenic, which means that they won't cause breakouts. Finally, make sure to always take it all off before bed!

  • Using hot water on your face: Hot water may feel relaxing, but it can strip away your skin's natural oils and cause dryness.
  • Not using enough sunscreen: Sunscreen is key to preventing sun-damage such as wrinkles, dark spots, and even skin cancer.
  • Skipping moisturizer: Moisturizer helps draw moisture into the skin to keep it hydrated and healthy.
  • Over-exfoliation: Exfoliating helps to remove dead skin cells but overdoing it can lead to irritation and damage to the skin.
  • Popping pimples: Popping pimples can cause scarring and should be avoided at all costs.

  • Keep to a regular skincare routine and stick to it.
  • Keep a skincare diary to track products, environmental factors, and lifestyle choices that may be contributing to skin issues.
  • Talk to your dermatologist or aesthetician to get a tailored solution.
  • Consider professional treatments such as chemical peels, microneedling, and laser treatments.
  • Always patch test new products to make sure your skin doesn't react negatively.

Having healthy skin is important but more importantly, it is achievable. Skincare is a personalized experience and everyone's routine should be customized to their own needs. Ultimately, having the right knowledge and understanding of what works best for you is the essential for achieving beautiful, glowing skin.